Texas Elite Firearms Training

Firearms Training
Texas Elite Firearms Training
Who We Are
At Elite Firearms Training (EFT), we believe training is a never-ending path. Start that path for yourself, be empowered to protect yourself, your family and your community.
If you just bought a firearm and want to obtain your LTC, we can help you. Our training is designed to be more than just one-and-done class. We’re here to help you prepare for the different scenarios you may be faced with each day you carry.
Who We Are In Security
For the security professionals, with EFT you can complete you Firearms Proficiency Test and take things to the next level. By continuing your education and training in Defensive Tactics and Scenario Based training you have the potential of becoming a better officer.
We offer a wide range of Firearms Training.

Firearms Qualification
This is for Level 3 Security Officers in Texas to Complete licensing.
20 rounds at 3 yards, 20 rounds at 7 yards and 10 rounds at 15 yards. To successfully qualify, you must complete this course with a minimum score of 70%. (175/250) All courses of fire will be scored on a standard B-27 target,

Texas License to Carry
You can now be 18 and get a LTC.
The classroom instruction must be a minimum of four (4) and no more than six (6) hours and one (1) to two (2) hours of Range Instruction.
Shooting: 20 rounds at 3 yards, 20 rounds at 7 yards and 10 rounds at 15 yards. To successfully qualify, you must complete this course with a minimum score of 70%. (175/250) All courses of fire will be scored on a standard B-27 target,
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Firearms 101
Designed to provide a hands-on introduction to the safe handling one specific pistol action type for classes. This course is at least one to three hours long and includes range time learning to shoot a specific pistol action type. The Students will learn rules for safe gun handling; the particular pistol model parts and operation; ammunition; shooting fundamentals; cleaning the pistol; and continued opportunities for skill development.

Simulation Training
Using SIMUNITION, the training is the most realistic interactive training (force on force) because the bullets are having similar trajectory characteristics as the real ammunitions and used in the exact same weapon of each user, with the difference that “do not kill” but stain exactly the point of impact using water-soluble paint, so that, the trainee knows exactly the results of the use of the gun and makes the corresponding actions and corrective actions.

Now Offering
Scenario Based Training
Creating realistic scenarios that students can use to formulate, study, and “try on” a variety of responses to situations they could face on the job sharpens their performance and increases their skill.
- Scenarios should describe incidents or situations that students will recognize as familiar and likely to occur on the job. This brings relevance to the training that makes it memorable.
- Scenario-based training is generally interactive, asking students to think about different potential responses or solutions. Common things we see time and again is tunnel vision setting in the moment the adrenaline hits and fight-or-flight reactions. We work with students to help them form habits to break these responses and become affective when an emergency arises.
- Realistic scenarios offer students the chance to problem-solve and to practice, mentally at least, for situations they might face. This prepares them with one or more appropriate responses, making them more effective while also boosting their confidence.
- Well-written scenario-based training allows students to try out multiple responses then analyze and learn from the potential repercussions of each.
- Scenario-based training provides a safe space where students can practice and learn from their errors — before making costly or embarrassing mistakes in situations with actual jobs.